Adventures in CSA (week 7): Bok choi!

I love that name: bok choi! It sounds like it should be the name of a Vulcan..or something a Klingon would say. It’s clearly a very Star Trek-friendly vegetable. I also happen to like how bok choi tastes, although I’m not used to getting 2lbs of it at a time. Really, this may be a bit more than we can handle.

We actually went through the fridge last night and found that there was definitely some spoilage in things we never got to (eggplant & scallions, mostly). It’s really hard keeping up with a 1/2 bushel box of vegetables *every* week when you don’t have veggies as your primary food. Still, we’re determined to keep on keepin’ on. Next week is actually the last week of this particular CSA subscription; the next one starts up in the first week of November and will be delivered every other Tuesday. I suspect that may make it a little tougher for us to plan things out, but we’ll manage as best as we can.

My prediction on this box is that it will definitely be worth more than $20 in grocery store value; it was PACKED with a ridiculous amount of fruit and veggies this week.

Week 7 CSA

More than a week's worth, for sure!

Our haul:

  • Bok choi
  • Collard greens
  • Radishes
  • Parsnips
  • Yellow onions
  • Carrots
  • Asian pears
  • Macoun apples
  • Acorn Squash
  • Italian eggplant
  • Sweet potatoes
  • New potatoes
  • Red potatoes

The only items that I dreaded as I opened the box were the eggplant and the radishes; eggplant hasn’t captured my love yet and radishes are just so fricking bitter that I’m not sure WHAT to do with them. Still, we shall perservere. As it is, I decided to pop the eggplant into a new dish today, and I finally found a way to eat eggplant where I’d definitely be asking for more! I’ll post that recipe Monday…

2 thoughts on “Adventures in CSA (week 7): Bok choi!

    • I may just do that. The radishes we have are hayooge, so they may make a messload of dip. Good thing I have Multi-grain Tostitos in the house – those things are my chip of choice these days. 🙂

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