Movie Review: “The Odd Life of Timothy Green”

The Odd Life of Timothy Green


Set in the fictional “pencil capital” of Stanleyville, “The Odd Life of Timothy Green” is a sweet, modern-day fairy tale about family and relationships. Jennifer Garner (“13 Going on 30”) and Joel Edgerton (“Warrior”) star as Cindy and Jim Green, a young couple whose simple life only seems to lack the one thing biology is outright refusing them: a child. Faced with the reality that they can’t have children of their own, the Greens spend a cathartic evening with a bottle of red wine, a pencil and a small notepad, writing down all of the qualities their dream child would possess. Before they head off to bed, they bury these pages in a small wooden keepsake box out back in Cindy’s lovingly tended garden. Later that night, a wet and dirt-covered 10-year-old appears in their house and informs them that he is, in fact, Timothy – the son they always wanted but weren’t destined to have. Played by doe-eyed CJ Adams, Timothy is the picture of everything the Greens want, a sweet boy with a gentle heart, a ready wit, and a charming personality.


The Odd Life of Timothy Green - The Greens

The Greens (left-to-right): Cindy (Jennifer Garner), Timothy (CJ Adams), and Jim (Joel Edgerton)


As they begin to introduce him to extended family, you start to see the exceedingly small cracks in Peter Hedges’ script, where Jim and Cindy’s relationship with Timothy speaks more about how they relate to their own family members than about how they relate to Timothy. He becomes a means to an end, a way for Jim to settle up with his often-absentee father, Big Jim (David Morse), and for Cindy to stand toe-to-toe with her tiger mother of a sister, Brenda (Rosemarie DeWitt). There’s also a side story about Timothy and how he explores relationships of his own as he befriends the cool, semi-goth Joni Jerome (Odeya Rush). You get only glimpses into the relationship formed between Timothy and Joni, but what you see is clearly reflective of deep friendship that turns into first love.


The Odd Life of Timothy Green - Timothy and Joni

Timothy (CJ Adams) and Joni (Odeya Rush)


An additional thread involving the town’s central structure, the pencil factory managed by Franklin Crudstaff (Ron Livingston, “Office Space”), provides the opportunity for Livingston to play the full-on jerk you never really saw in his role on “Sex and the City” as well as a way for Jim to stand on his own two feet for the first time in his life. Timothy is part of the transformation of his parents, seemingly within a matter of weeks, allowing them to work through their own daddy and sister issues while they hover relentlessly over his soccer coach (the deliciously scene-stealing Common).


The overwhelming majority of those of us attending the screening were parents, and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house at the end of the film, although I’ll spare any further plot details so as to leave the mysteries intact. Suffice to say that it’s worthwhile to grab some extra napkins at the concessions stand when purchasing your popcorn; you’ll need it. “The Odd Life of Timothy Green” is a genuinely sweet film, and it’s one that will make you want to run home and hug your kids, if you didn’t bring them along with you. Its minor trips with the one-dimensional stereotypes of the super-competitive, arrogant mom (Brenda) and the domineering, lying boss are easily forgiven once you look into Adams’ sweet eyes. For her part, Rush is likely to be a star any day now. The Israeli-born actress looks like a pint-sized Mila Kunis and, while she’s beautiful now, she’s likely to venture into knockout territory by the time she’s in her upper teens. Garner and Edgerton turn in heartfelt and (at times) heartwrenching performances as Timothy’s parents, supported by a solid cast that includes industry veterans like Dianne Wiest (“Edward Scissorhands”) and M. Emmet Walsh (“Blade Runner”). Ahmet Zappa’s story of miracles, love and loss is definitely one worth sharing with the whole family.


3 out of 4 stars

“The Odd Life of Timothy Green” opens nationwide on August 15, 2012. This movie is rated PG (Parental Guidance Suggested) for mild thematic elements and brief language.

Product Review: Empower Fitness Fingertip Grip Medicine Ball

{Disclaimers: 1) I am not, not do I claim to be a doctor. Before you attempt to use this product, check with your primary care physician and/or specialist health care professional to be sure that it’s right for you. 2) I received this product for the purpose of testing and was allowed to keep it as a courtesy for posting a review. I received no other compensation for this review and was specifically told, “Write whatever you want.” In other words: this is MY opinion and not a company-paid PR piece. Take that for what you will.}

NOTE: If you are attending BlogHer’12, you can WIN this item in my BlogHer Attendee-only giveaway!

There’s a part of me that totally wishes I were She-Ra or some other incredibly buff chica, ready to take on the world. Unfortunately, I have a love of ice cream that seems to know no bounds. (I suppose I could rationalize this by saying that I’m helping to prop up the local dairy – which is less than 5 minutes’ drive from my house – but that’s REALLY PUSHING IT.) Anyhoo, when I was presented with the opportunity to check out the Fingertip Grip Medicine Ball from Empower Fitness, I jumped at it. After all, dh had done several “medball” workouts and liked them a lot.

Initially, I went with the 8lb medball. This turned out to be a bit of a mistake, since it was a bit too heavy for the level of workout that I needed to keep pace with the DVD. This resulted in me injuring my wrist and laying off the medball for a few days. Thankfully, the folks at Empower Fitness are extremely cool and (at my request) provided me with a 6lb medball so I could see if it was the medball or what I’d term “operator error”. Truly, it fell into the second category…and now I have my form down quite a bit better.

So, what all do you get when you purchase the medball? First off, this isn’t like most medicine balls out there. It’s squishy in a rather delightful way, with these fun little dimples all over that give it a sense of being a wildly oversized, smushy golf ball. The “fingertip grip” indentations make it a lot easier to grab onto the ball, especially when sweating, and I found that to be quite useful. The medball also comes with a DVD workout featuring Gin Miller and a bootcamp workout poster with a set of 10 exercises you can do at your own pace.

There are four weight options for the Fingertip Grip Medicine Ball: 4lb, 6lb, 8lb, and 10lb. I recommend starting with the lower of the weights you think you can manage best (e.g. pick the 6lb’er if you would normally think you should start at 6lb or 8lb), just to make sure you get your form down properly first. As I discovered, you figure it out when you’re doing it wrong…and while I didn’t need to go to my doctor to have an “exercise-related stupid” corrected this time, it’s always best to check with a doctor, trainer, etc. before picking up something completely new.


Empower Fitness 4lb Fingertip Grip Medicine BallEmpower Fitness 6lb Fingertip Grip Medicine BallEmpower Fitness 8lb Fingertip Grip Medicine BallEmpower Fitness 10lb Fingertip Grip Medicine Ball

The four lovelies: 4lbs, 6lbs, 8lbs, and 10lb Fingertip Grip Medicine Balls



The tests:

I did several workouts with the medball, first with the 8lb and then the 6lb. I tried both the DVD and the bootcamp poster, although I will say that I only tested the bootcamp workout with the 6lb’er, not the 8lb’er.


The results:

Overall, I think this is a really nice product. I found it comfortable to handle and easy to use. The fingertip grip indentations did come in handy as I flipped from exercise to exercise; even when I got a little sweaty or tired, I was able to hang onto the medball without fail. The size of the ball makes it easy to manage and comfortable to hold, and when you get into moves like tossing it from hand to hand or “bowling”, it balances well and doesn’t shift too much with the sand interior.

The DVD workout takes approximately 30 minutes, including warm-up and cool-down, and you can do it either in one fell swoop or pop into the menu to pick and choose which exercises you want to do. Gin’s perky without being annoying, and she gives several modifications so that you can work out at your own pace. Her cardio sections have modifications from low to high impact, and her strength sections have balance moves (or deeper moves) that allow you to push yourself a little more if you want. And, obviously, once you master one weight of medball, you can always move up to the next.

The bootcamp workout was similarly good, although I found the squishy nature of the medball a bit difficult to handle when it came to the one-armed push-ups. My wrist slipped a little and that was an uncomfortable feeling. Some of that is that I am truly MISERABLE at push-ups, and some of it is how the medball just buckled under the weight of my arm. Of course, I don’t discount that it could’ve been a form issue, but a hard medball would have given more resistance and been less likely to create that collapsing feeling that made me uneasy. All of the other exercises were great, though, and I could feel my body reacting to them (as in, “You’re making me work? Le WHUT?”). This is a very good sign. The poster-based workout takes about the same amount of time as the DVD if you do a little cardio warm-up and stretch afterwards (ALWAYS a good idea). It will take longer if you do it in “bootcamp” mode, where you insert a brief interval of cardio in between each exercise.


Where to buy:

According to the Empower Fitness web site, you can purchase these at various places online, including and Modells. Check out the Empower Fitness web site for full details.

Product Review: Empower Fitness 2lb Pair Walking Weights

{Disclaimers: 1) I am not, not do I claim to be a doctor. Before you attempt to use this product, check with your primary care physician and/or specialist health care professional to be sure that it’s right for you. 2) I received this product for the purpose of testing and was allowed to keep it as a courtesy for posting a review. I received no other compensation for this review and was specifically told, “Write whatever you want.” In other words: this is MY opinion and not a company-paid PR piece. Take that for what you will.}

Seeing as how I’m trying to find ways to kick up my workouts by a notch or so, as I get closer to the next marathon, it seemed only fitting that I try out workout weights. I’d been intrigued by them before, since they seem to come in so many flavors – things that wrap around your ankles, things that wrap around your wrists, things that wrap around your waist, etc. So, when I was offered a chance to try out weights that you hand-carry, I was definitely interested in seeing how well they worked.

The product I tested is a 2lb pair walking weight set from Empower Fitness; the set is 2lb total (1lb per weight). These are supposed to be designed specifically for women, and the softness of the sand inside them certainly did make them comfortable to hold. They’re enclosed in a bit of neoprene, with a neoprene strap to go around your hand – again, all quite comfy stuff. According to the Empower Fitness web site, the set retails for $9.99.

Empower Fitness 2lb Pair Walking Weights

Empower Fitness 2lb Pair Walking Weights


The tests:

I did a bunch of walks with these, both indoors and outdoors, ranging from as little as a half-hour to just over an hour. Distances covered were anywhere from 1.5 – 4mi, with my pace ranging between 17-20min/mi.

Typically, I was walking holding my arms parallel to my body with my forearms approximately 90 degrees off from my upper arm. Holding the weights seemed to force me to have better posture and hold my core muscles tighter than I typically would without the weights.

The results:

I liked them! They were comfortable to carry and they were light enough to be easily carried in one hand if needed, yet heavy enough to give me just that little bit of resistance I needed to make my walk a bit more of a workout than it was previously. The straps made it easy to hang onto them, and the squishiness from the sand meant that they had plenty of give for me.

If I needed to put them aside so I could get a drink, if I was indoors and on a treadmill, it was easy enough to put them on the shelf in front of me. When I was outside, they were light enough to transfer to one hand and carry as 2lbs on one side while I got my drink.

It’s a handy thing that you can wipe them down if you need to, although I will say that no matter how sweaty my hands got from wearing them during walking workouts, they never got stinky (big plus!). They  never slipped off my hands due to  sweat; they really seemed to fit my hands perfectly with those straps, and I appreciated the comfortable, tight-but-not-constrictive fit of the straps.

If you’re interested in spending short dollars to add a little oomph to your walks, I’d recommend giving these a try. I’ll definitely continue using them, and don’t be surprised if I purchase a carabiner to allow me just to clip them to a belt-loop for much longer walks when I want to alternate using/not using them. For my walks around my neighborhood, I often eschew wicking fabric in favor of my boy cargo shorts; they just make it a ton easier to carry stuff (granola bars, iPhone, etc.). Hence – a carabiner + these weights (or two carabiners, so I can clip one to each side) is a VERY likely outcome for future walks.

Where to buy:

You can purchase these at various places online, including Check out the Empower Fitness web site for full details on purchase options.