Sweet Summer Squash

Necessity being the mother of invention, and me being the mother of two hungry children (plus a wife to a hungry adult), I needed to invent some quick and tasty dish to go with dinner last night. We were piecing dinner together using the corn we got in our week 6 CSA box, and I wanted to see if we could work more veggies in. So, using the yellow (summer) squash and honey from a prior week’s box, plus carrots from this week’s box, I was able to make something that totally worked. Best of all, it hit on my primary requirements: fast, simple & tasty. That’s just a wonderful trinity.

Note: this dish doesn’t cook the carrots fully, although the squash will be cooked nicely. If you mind having carrots that have crunch to them, you may want to steam the carrots for a few min before you add them to the pan for this dish.


Sweet Summer Squash

Cinnamony goodness


Prep Time: 5 mins

Cooking Time: 8-9 mins



1 medium/large summer squash

2 carrots

1 Tb butter

1 Tb wildflower honey (sub clover if you don’t have wildflower)

1/4 tsp ground cinnamon


Make it Happen

1. Cut the squash into small pieces. Peel and cut the carrots into small coins.

2. Melt butter in a large non-stick skillet over medium heat.

3. When the butter is melted, add the squash and carrots to the pan, stirring frequently to coat and heat evenly.

4. After about 5 min of cooking time, drizzle honey and sprinkle cinnamon on top of the veggies. Stir well to combine.

5. Cook for another 3 min, stirring frequently. Then, remove from heat and serve immediately.

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